It divides into two branches, one of which supplies the vastus medialis, anastomosing with the highest genicular and medial inferior genicular arteries; the other ramifies close to the surface of the femur, supplying it and the knee-joint, and anastomosing with the lateral superior genicular artery.


The medial superior genicular artery is frequently of small size, a condition, which is associated with an increase in the size of the highest genicular. The lateral superior genicular passes above the lateral condyle of the femur, beneath the tendon of the Biceps femoris, and divides into a superficial and a deep branch; the superficial branch

artery > Malar artery > Medial superior palpebral artery Translations. Description. There is no description for this anatomical part yet. Images.

Superior medialis genus artery

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a. superior medialis genus. SECTION Item or Ref ID Value or text Identification TA code A12.2.16.035 superior genicular artery FMA:22584 Synonyms: arteria genus superior medialis, medial superior genicular artery. (05 Mar 2000) superior macular arteriole , superior macular venule , superior maxillary nerve < Prev | Next > superior mediastinum , superior medullary velum A. palatina descendens s. superior. A. pterygopalatine.

Lateral thoracic artery - arteria thoracica lateralis Övre ulna särartade arterie - arteria collateralis ulnaris superior Medel knäartären - arterie genus media.

A. pediaea. A. dorsalis pedis. 66 A. circumflexa femoris medialis 67 A. femoralis 68 V. femoralis 69 A. circumflexa femoris lateralis, ramus ascendens 70 A. circumflexa femoris lateralis, ramus descendens 71 A. profunda femoris 72 A. poplitea 73 V. poplitea 74 A. superior medialis genus 75 A. superior lateralis genus 76 A. inferior medialis genus 77 A. inferior lateralis genus It and its branches supply the teardrop muscle (vastus medialis), the femur, and the knee-joint with oxygenated blood. The artery and its branches merge (anastomosis) with the lateral superior Synonyms: arteria genus superior medialis, medial superior genicular artery.

Superior medialis genus artery

The medial superior genicular, a branch of the popliteal artery,runs in front of the Semimembranosusand Semitendinosus, above the medial head of the Gastrocnemius, and passes beneath the tendon of the Adductor magnus.

Анатомия: нижняя медиальная коленная артерия Topografie der Arteria inferior medialis genus (innenliegende mittlere Kniearterie): Die Arteria inferior medialis genus kommt aus der Arteria poplitea. Sie entspringt in Höhe der Kondylen (Gelenkfortsätze) des Schienbeins und bildet einen Ring, indem sie sich mit der Arteria inferior lateralis genus verbindet. Hier die Übersetzung Deutsch ↔ Englisch für Arteria genus nachschlagen! Kostenfreier Vokabeltrainer, Konjugationstabellen, Aussprachefunktion. 95 A. superior medialis genus 11 Superior thyroid artery 12 Vertebral artery 13 Thyrocervical trunk 14 Costocervical trunk 15 Suprascapular artery 602 . 602_01【Superior medial genicular artery内側上膝動脈;脛側近位膝動脈 Arteria superior medialis genus; Arteria genus proximalis tibialis】 Artery passing beneath the tendon for the adductor magnus anteriorly to the genicular anastomosis. RU. EN; DE; ES; FR; Запомнить сайт; Словарь на свой сайт arteria genus superior medialis , medial inferior genicular artery , lateral superior genicular artery , middle genicular artery , Categories: M Rastgele Bir Soru Getir arteria inferior medialis genus in Chinese : <拉>膝下内侧动脉 ….

Acceso vena  The medial superior genicular, a branch of the popliteal artery,runs in front of the Semimembranosusand Semitendinosus, above the medial head of the Gastrocnemius, and passes beneath the tendon of the Adductor magnus. The medial superior genicular artery is a branch of the popliteal artery. It runs in front of two of the hamstring muscles, namely the semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles.
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Pulmonary artery tromboembolism (där venöst blod strömmar från hjärtat till lungorna) ligamentum transversum genus; Lateral meniskus av knä-meniskus lateralis articulationis  Arteries of human body - Arterije tela fotografia. Хирургическая анатомия Inferior epigastric artery - Wikipedia fotografia.

95 A. superior medialis genus 11 Superior thyroid artery 12 Vertebral artery 13 Thyrocervical trunk 14 Costocervical trunk 15 Suprascapular artery 602 . 602_01【Superior medial genicular artery内側上膝動脈;脛側近位膝動脈 Arteria superior medialis genus; Arteria genus proximalis tibialis】 Artery passing beneath the tendon for the adductor magnus anteriorly to the genicular anastomosis.
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Medial superior genicular artery The medial superior genicular artery is a branch of the popliteal artery. It runs in front of two of the hamstring muscles, namely the semimembranosus and


Structure of superior medial genicular artery Known as: A. superior medialis genus , Medial superior genicular artery , Arteria superior medialis genus Expand National Institutes of Health Create Alert

inferior lateralis genus 6. aa. surales --> for supplying of: 1. rete articulare genu 2. superficial muscles of the posterior group of the lower leg

What are synonyms for arteria testicularis? The vastus medialis is divided with the cautery or scalpel above the point of its innervation by its special nerve branch. After removal of the tumor en bloc with the rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, and lateralis, the stump of the quadriceps tendon is sutured to the adjacent edge of the vastus medialis with two or three figure-of-eight heavy, absorbable sutures so as to impart a straighter Synonyms for arteria labialis superior in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for arteria labialis superior. 1 synonym for arteria labialis superior: superior labial artery.